Sunday, December 7, 2008

What is your idea of perfection?
I think I am a perfectionist when it comes to presentation. Mom always said, "Presentation is everything", in her song-like voice... with that said though, nothing is actually perfect in this world, it's all relative. With my work, I often fight myself on the perfectionist issue. It can really be debilitating, I want my painting to turn out exactly as I imagine in my head EVERY TIME. But that is not always the case. Not every painting is a success. What I choose to take away from my experience though, is that I learn more about my process with every unsuccessful painting and use this knowledge to create the next!

Your work and presentation is so meticulously done. Each painting is a true gem and very tactile. I’m curious to know if your studio is organized or in disarray. Are you detail oriented by nature, or only with art?
Ironically this question comes at a time when my studio is in the most disarray from a recent move. I love STUFF. And after working for an art supply company for over ten years, I accumulated A LOT of it. My studio is two stories and since the move I have managed to organize my work area on the second floor so far. The first floor (my soon to be frame shop) is a mess... boxes everywhere and a narrow walkway between them. I would have to say I have an organized mess!

Knowing myself, I would have to say I am pretty detail oriented in all aspects of my life. Not obsessively though. It is important for me to keep an organized studio for the very least, to enable me to find materials when I need them in a pinch. I can't stand having to climb over things to get what I need. That doesn't mean though, that my studio would look organized to anyone else, it isn't "Martha Stewart", but it works for me!

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